PRP Hair Restoration
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Berkeley, Oakland and Bay Area, CA

For men and women alike, hair is an aesthetic display of personal style. And experiencing the loss of it can negatively impact your confidence. From thinning to receding hairlines, hair loss comes in many forms, and to even more degrees. There are several reasons why people lose their hair, including genetics, age, hormonal imbalances, or various health conditions. To help fight what may feel like an unwinnable battle, Nubo Spa offers PRP hair restoration in Oakland. So put your hairpieces and over-the-counter cure-alls aside and learn more about the solution for all hair types, volumes, and concerns.
You Are Your Own Healer
PRP therapy is a science-backed, effective treatment used for several different health conditions, including skin concerns, wounds, and hair loss. A non-surgical solution, the PRP hair restoration treatment is a minimally-invasive process of extracting blood platelets from your body to create a serum called PRP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma). An PRP injection is immunologically neutral, and it doesn’t threaten to cause any negative reactions such as allergic responses or hypersensitivity to foreign bodies.
The Way It Works
Our PRP hair restoration in Berkeley uses the serum derived from your blood and is then administered into targeted areas of the scalp with precise and delicate injections. When the PRP serum is injected into the scalp, it is then activated to release powerful molecules designed to target dormant hair follicles. With a multitude of growth factors, the PRP then triggers inactive hair follicles to “wake up”, jumpstarting your existing hair growth process. The result is hair that looks thicker, healthier, and stronger.
All-encompassing Treatment
Because hair loss stems from several different issues, PRP hair restoration is designed to offer skin repair and restore the hair formerly grown in your targeted area. This cutting-edge solution can be used to reduce hair loss caused by:
- Age
- Baldness
- Genetics
- Alopecia
- Hormonal changes
- Thinning hair
- Unhealthy or brittle hair
Let The Treatment Commence
On the day of arrival, your Nubo Spa skincare specialist will prepare the treatment by applying a topical numbing cream to ensure that you’re comfortable. Once the targeted area is numb, a sample of your blood is drawn from your arm and place into a sterilized vial. The sample is then placed in a centrifuge to isolate the plasma from the rest of your red blood cells. After separation, the plasma is delicately injected into the thinning areas of your scalp, stimulating the body’s natural growth process to encourage hair growth.
Our Bay Area PRP hair restoration procedure is conducive to even the busiest of schedules. The revolutionary treatment is a comfortable, outpatient procedure and takes less than one hour to perform. Once you’ve received your PRP injections, you may resume all normal activities as there is virtually no recovery time.
The effects of hair regrowth are initially subtle, as with any regrowth treatment. To ensure your hair makes a full recovery, PRP hair restoration procedures are typically completed over three appointments. For the best results, we recommend maintenance treatments every four to six months to document condition and growth.
Why Choose Nubo Spa?
On the day of your initial consultation, your skincare specialist leaves no stone unturned. Your customized treatment plan is based on what we learn about your history of hair loss, your concerns, and your ultimate goals. Nubo Spa is fully invested in bringing back the hair you once had, so let’s work together to make that happen. When you’re ready, contact one of our Bay Area offices and take the next step towards having the healthy hair you’ve been dreaming about.