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Common Questions About Chemical Peels

Having flawless and healthy skin that is smooth and radiant is not as easy as it looks. Even beautiful skin can be impacted by wrinkles, sun damage, and blemishes. Sometimes these skin conditions require cosmetic procedures to achieve your goals. Chemical peels offer a safe and effective technique for addressing many of these concerns without surgery.

A chemical peel is a skin treatment in which we use acidic solutions like TCA or phenol to be applied to damaged skin layers. This damaged skin will eventually peel away, revealing fresh skin underneath that is smoother and less wrinkled than before.

One of the ways that we classify chemical peels is by their depth of penetration. There are superficial peels, medium peels, and deep peels. Each addresses different skin complaints and penetrates the skin to a progressively deeper level.

The Superficial Peel

If you are looking for a peel to treat enlarged pores, superficial acne scars, or a dull complexion, look no further. The superficial peel is a gentle type of peel that does not require any sedation or downtime. It typically contains milder acids like lactic or glycolic acid to peel away only dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. Once this material is removed, your naturally radiant skin can shine forth.

The Medium Peel

Sometimes known as the TCA peel, the medium peel is somewhat stronger than superficial peels and deals with problems like fine lines and wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Depending upon the formulation of the peel, and other factors, you may or may not require sedation and downtime with a medium peel.

The Deep Peel

When you have more stubborn skin complaints, it’s time to roll out the heavy artillery. Deep peels are only used in the most serious of cases and are typically only performed once. Phenol and carbolic acid are two common choices that go into a deep peel. A deep peel is most appropriate when you are dealing with deep scars, deeper wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and stretch marks. Be prepared to set aside a significant amount of downtime for this strong treatment that does require sedation.

Your Appointment

Although some steps of the chemical peels process will differ, depending upon the precise type of peel that is being administered, there are some general aspects that remain the same. Your peel will be administered in our office by a trained practitioner. The type of peel that you undergo is based upon your skin type and skin problems.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you’re ready to seek out treatment for sun damage, signs of aging, or other common skin conditions, please reach out to the team at Nubo Spa in Berkeley, CA. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!